[Text Analysis(Eng)] IEM WCS Preview

<Table of Contents>

  1. Korea
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LCK
  • GE Tigers
  • CJ Entus
  1. China
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LPL
  • Team World Elite
  1. North America
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LCS NA
  • Team Solo Mid
  • Cloud 9
  1. Europe
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LCS EU
  • SK Gaming
  • Gambit Gaming
  1. Taiwan/ Hong Kong/ Macao
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LMS
  • Yoe Flash Wolves
  1. Korea
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LCK
Champion Bans Picks Wins Win Rate Pick+Ban Rate
 Jarvan IV 6 67 37 55.22% 94.81%
 Rek’Sai 45 16 11 68.75% 93.85%
 Janna 25 45 28 62.22% 90.91%
 Corki 12 58 33 56.90% 90.91%
 Lissandra 47 23 12 52.17% 90.91%
 Kassadin 40 30 14 46.67% 90.91%
 LeBlanc 52 15 9 60.00% 87.01%
 Lulu 36 29 14 48.28% 84.42%
 Lee Sin 9 51 23 45.10% 77.92%
 Gnar 21 36 22 61.11% 74.03%
 Rumble 25 27 13 48.15% 67.53%
 Xerath 20 23 12 52.17% 55.84%
 Thresh 7 36 15 41.67% 55.84%
 Sivir 2 34 18 52.94% 46.75%
 Morgana 15 17 8 47.06% 41.56%
 Maokai 3 24 14 58.33% 35.06%
 Ezreal 3 21 11 52.38% 31.17%
 Ahri 10 14 5 35.71% 31.17%
 Nami 0 22 10 45.45% 28.57%
 Azir 13 8 5 62.50% 27.27%
 Rengar 8 9 3 33.33% 22.08%
 Veigar 12 4 3 75.00% 20.78%
 Kalista 3 13 9 69.23% 20.78%
 Cassiopeia 12 4 2 50.00% 20.78%
 Jayce 4 12 3 25.00% 20.78%
 Annie 3 12 8 66.67% 19.48%
 Dr. Mundo 4 11 4 36.36% 19.48%
 Tristana 0 14 4 28.57% 18.18%
 Fizz 10 2 1 50.00% 15.58%
 Leona 0 10 5 50.00% 12.99%
  • GE Tigers

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate%)

Lissandra(31.8%) | LeBlanc(27.3%) | RekSai(22.7%) | Lulu(18.2%) | Morgana(18.2%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate%)

Top – Rumble(7/85.7%) | Gnar(4/100%) | Lulu(4/100%) | Maokai(3/100%) | Hecarim(1/100%)

Jungle – J4(8/75%) | RekSai(5/100%) | Lee Sin(5/100%) | Rengar(2/100%) | Pantheon(2/100%)

Mid – Kassadin(5/80%) | LeBlanc(5/100%) | Viktor(5/100%) | Xerath(2/50%) | Azir(2/100%)

AD Carry – Corki(9/100%) | Kogmaw(4/100%) | Lucian(4/100%) | Kalista(2/50%) | Ezrea(2/100%)

Support – Janna(8/100%) | Nami(4/100%) | Thresh (4/75%) | Morgana(2/50%) | Leona(2/ 100%)

>Current Standings:

GE Tigers came in 3rd in “2015 LCK Pre-Season Spring,” not long after the establishment of the team. With the start of “2015 LCK Regular Season Spring,” GE has dominated the league with a 10 game winning streak (20 Win/ 2 Loss). To briefly analyze the matches they lost, GE lost once to SKT and lost another match to Jinair Green Wings. In the first match, Pray/Gorilla could not do anything to turn the game around since Faker hyper-carried the team with LeBlanc. In the second match, GE managed to hold out until 54 mins into the game, despite 15,000 differences in Gold. GE has been good ever since the beginning of “2015 LCK Pre-Season Spring,” although they were in the stage of tuning themselves to each other as a team. Now, with all of them attuned, GE tigers seem unbeatable in the scene.


Top- Smeb

Very aggressive, hyper- carry. Smeb likes to lead the lane aggressively, so he prefers to push the lane. Smeb can handle a wide range of champions and he is second to none in laning phase, team fight, and joining the team in the right timing. Smeb synergizes greatly with Lee, so he tends to gain great advantages from 2 vs 2 fights in the top lane.

Jungle – Lee

A well-balanced player who can both play aggressively and defensively. Lee always aims for a great timing to go in by making good use of his initiating abilities. Lee’s main focus of gank seems to be the top lane. Lee makes it easy for the team carry out laning phases

Mid – Kuro

Very strong midlaner. Kuro can hold out in the lane alone, making it easier for Lee to help other lanes and roll snowballs. Instead of overwhelming the opponent in the lane, Kuro likes to be fed for late games. Accordingly, Kuro seems to perform better in team fights than in laning phases. When he plays dash champions, Kuro likes to confuse the opponent by making great use of his dash abilities. Recently, Kuro has shown great performances with relatively original champion, Viktor. As Smeb and Lee came to be checked in recent matches, Kuro has risen to be the pillar of the team.

AD – Pray

Great positionings in team fights. Pray knows how to deal maximum damage in team fights to the right target. If his teammates make him just a small room to deal damage, he grabs the chance and deals great DPS. He also has a great mechanic, so he can dodge enemy’s skill shots so greatly as well. Pray synergizes greatly with Gorilla in laning phases. If fed well enough, Pray seems to go overboard in fights. The enemies should catch him off at these times.

Sup – Gorilla

Gorilla is the one who practically fed Najin Shield in S4 World Championship. I believe Gorilla is the main reason that enabled GE Tigers to climb up the ladder so quickly, despite their relatively new formation. Gorilla knows how to lead the game in both laning phases and objective controls. Gorilla, together with Lee, does a great job in controlling vision for the rest of the team to gain from vision advantage. Gorilla makes great snap judgments and makes brilliant use of his skills. He can do well in many champions, but he does especially well with Janna and Thresh.

>Team Style:

GE is always so smart to get better pick&bans than the opponent team. By controlling vision so greatly, GE does so well in small team fights and objectives controls. GE likes to minimize its loss and maximize its gains to roll snowballs. Every laner has a potential to carry the game, so it is not wise for the enemy team to give up even a single lane. The team has improved a lot since the 2015 LCK Pre-Season, and is still proving as a team. The synergies between Top+Jungle and Jungle+support are great. There seems to be a clear division of roles in the game. Instead of laying a focus on a single lane, the team makes flexible decisions every time. To sum up, GE is an all-powerful team, doing in all laning phases, team fights, and rotations. Since GE is a relatively new team with a limited number of games played, it is hard to find countermeasure. I expect GE Tigers to be the win the IEM Katowice.

  • CJ Entus

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate %)

Lissandra(52.4%) | Rumble(47.6%) | Gnar(23.8%) | Reksai(23.8%) | Xerath(23.8%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate %) 

Top – Rumble(6/50%) | Dr. Mundo(5/60%) | Maokai (4/50%) | Lulu(4/100%) | Hecarim(2/0%)

Jungle – Lee Sin(7/71.4%) | Jarvan IV(7/42.9%) | Reksai(4/75%) | Rengar(3/33.3%)

Mid – Kassadin(6/50%) | Jayce(5/40%) | LeBlanc(4/75%) | Orianna(2/50%) | Ezreal(2/50%)

AD Carry – Corki(9/44.4%) | Sivir(5/80%) | Kalista(3/33.3%) | Ezreal(2/50%) | Kogmaw(1/100%)

Support – Janna(8/50%) | Nami(6/50%) | Thresh(3/33.3%) | Leona(1/100%) | Annie(1/100%)

>Current Standings:

In the early phase of 2015 LCK Regular Season, CJ Entus managed to climb up the ladder by taking strong teams one by one. As the season went on, however, the LCK teams came up with countermeasures against CJ Entus, by capitalizing on CJ’s limited range of champions. CJ managed to come in 2nd place by winning against relatively weak teams, but recent losses against stronger opponents made them climb down the ladder. At the moment, CJ Entus is 3rd place in LCK, with 6 Wins and 3 Losses (12 Wins and 9 Losses in total)


Top – Shy

Shy has made a great transition in his playing style to become a frontline tanker, like impact from SKT in the past. He gets the least amount of help from Ambition and leads the lane defensively. But, he still manages to be well-fed. In team fights, he acts as a great frontline tanker, who gets all the damage and still survives out of fight. So, he must be very annoying to opponent dealers. He makes great use of Dr Mundo, Maokai and Lulu. He has never used Gnar in 2015 LCK Spring, and has low win rates with Lissandra. So, banning out aforementioned champions tend to make Shy weaker in the game.

Mid – Coco [Key Player]

Coco has great mechanics, and is very strong in laning phases. It seems that CJ has become very stable in laning phases, thanks to Coco. Instead of carrying the team like Dade or Faker, Coco likes to integrate into the team and serve his roles 200%, like Pawn or EasyHoon. Coco, together with Shy, has been criticized recently for his limited champion pools. Coco does best with LeBlanc, but his LeBlanc is almost always banned. In the 2nd round of 2015 LCK Regular Season, Coco has been trying to perform with a wider range of champions

Jungle – Ambition

Since Ambition used to be a midlane in the past, he seems to have a great understanding in ganking midlanes. Also, Ambition’s joining of the team as a jungler seems to have improved Frost’s rotations. Ambition does well in initiating team fights and in bringing the team together. In team fights, he makes a great judgment about who to mark, and holds on to the target like a leech. Enemy’s dealers should watch out for Ambition’s marking and Shy’s great tanking abilities.

AD – Space [Key Plyer]

I believe Space plays the largest role in winning the game. Space has always been so great in ranked games, due his great mechanics. In team games, however, Space was a passive AD carry, who does not actively lead the team. With AD carry, the strongest position in the team, dragged around throughout the game, CJ wasn’t able to capitalize on its power spikes in the past. Recently, Space has improved to become a balanced AD carry, who can actively lead the game. He now goes on to actively go for a dragon or to destroy mid turrets by roaming midlanes, instead of farming endlessly the bottom lane. With Space’s conversion into an active laner, Madlife has a wider range of choices instead of sticking to the bottom lane.

Sup – Madlife

In the past, Madlife used to be a hyper-carry, who liked to make anomalies in the game. Recently, Madlife converted into an assist, who helps the rest of the team by controlling visions. Madlife, together with Ambition, works to control the vision throughout the game. With the vision advantage, CJ has become more stable in mid~late games. Once Space is fed enough to handle 2vs1, Madlife likes to roam the other lanes to impact greatly on all of the lanes

>Team Style:

Ususally, Shy tries to hold out in the laning phase alone and Ambition seeks to feed mid and bottom laners through frequent gankings. With advantages from laning phases, CJ likes to go on to initiate team fights. CJ has a strong mid laner, a jungler who likes to feed mid and bottom lanes, and a top laner who seeks to hold out in laning phases alone. The current formation of the  CJ Entus reminds me of SKT-K in the past. The bottom learners tend to be well fed in most cases, but in cases they are not, the whole game gets shaky for CJ. Ambition seems to gain a lot from ganking midlane, but I think he needs to work harder in babysitting bottom lane. In typical team fights, Coco and Space deal great damage to the enemies in the backline and Shy goes to the front as a frontline tanker. Ambition and Madlife support rest of the teammates.

  1. China
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LPL
Champion  Bans Ban Rate Picks Pick Rate Bans+Picks Picks+Bans Rate
 Kassadin 102 60.71% 50 29.76% 152 90.48%
 Janna 70 41.67% 80 47.62% 150 89.29%
 Lissandra 115 68.45% 34 20.24% 149 88.69%
 Rek’Sai 100 59.52% 47 27.98% 147 87.50%
 Gnar 73 43.45% 69 41.07% 142 84.52%
 Jarvan IV 39 23.21% 95 56.55% 134 79.76%
 Azir 73 43.45% 50 29.76% 123 73.21%
 Thresh 31 18.45% 83 49.40% 114 67.86%
 Rumble 44 26.19% 62 36.90% 106 63.10%
 Lee Sin 18 10.71% 81 48.21% 99 58.93%
 Corki 13 7.74% 84 50.00% 97 57.74%
 LeBlanc 49 29.17% 35 20.83% 84 50.00%
 Sivir 15 8.93% 68 40.48% 83 49.40%
 Xerath 29 17.26% 54 32.14% 83 49.40%
 Maokai 3 1.79% 63 37.50% 66 39.29%
 Irelia 15 8.93% 49 29.17% 64 38.10%
 Rengar 20 11.90% 41 24.40% 61 36.31%
 Annie 16 9.52% 41 24.40% 57 33.93%
 Kalista 14 8.33% 39 23.21% 53 31.55%
 Nidalee 33 19.64% 17 10.12% 50 29.76%
 Ahri 19 11.31% 26 15.48% 45 26.79%
 Veigar 37 22.02% 8 4.76% 45 26.79%
 Morgana 1 0.60% 43 25.60% 44 26.19%
 Tristana 6 3.57% 34 20.24% 40 23.81%
 Graves 0 0.00% 35 20.83% 35 20.83%
 Nami 0 0.00% 32 19.05% 32 19.05%
 Leona 1 0.60% 30 17.86% 31 18.45%
 Vi 5 2.98% 26 15.48% 31 18.45%
 Hecarim 7 4.17% 23 13.69% 30 17.86%
  • Team World Elite

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate%)

Lissandra(50%) | LeBlanc(30%) | Reksai(30%) | Azir(23%) | Veigar(20%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate%)

Top – Gnar(8/37.5%) | Maokai(8/37.5%) | Rumble(7/14.3%) | Irelia(4/0%) | Sion(3/33.3%)

Jungle – Jarvan IV(11/27.3%) | Rengar(4/0%) | Lee Sin(4/25%) | Reksai(5/40%) | Riven(2/0%)

Support – Thresh(8/50%) | Morgana(6/33.3%) | Janna(5/20%) | Braum(3/33.3%) | Annie(2/0%)

>Current Standings:

WE managed to secure its spot in IEM WCS by beating EDG in IEM Shenzhen. But, IEM Shenzen was held in July 2014, and all members have been changed since then. So, it is fair to say that it is a completely different team. At the moment, out of 12 teams in LPL, WE is in 10th place with 1 Win 6 Draws 7 Losses. WE lost to all of the strong teams and only won against weak teams. Recently, however, WE managed to win Snake, who is currently in 2nd place in LPL. In IEM WCS, WE seeks to raise the stakes by changing its roster. With the recent change of AD carry and Midlaner, there will be a change in the team’s play style. It is questionable, though, how well the foreign players will adjust to the team in such a short period of time. Although I am excited to see well the new players will perform against strong teams from various leagues, I would have to say that WE seems to be the weakest in IEM WCS.


TOP – Aluka

Aluka seems to have a narrow vision, so he often gets deleted while split pushing. But, Aluka makes great use of CC skills.

Jungle – Spirit [Key Player]

Spirit has a high success rates in ganking and a great snap judgment. He tends to put much pressure to the enemy in laning phases. Spirit also initiates team fights greatly, often creating miraculous team fights. Spirit is the pillar of the team, so his jungling failure will put the team at great risk.

Mid – Xiye

He has just been added to the roster. No information available.

AD – Mystic

Mystic has just been added to the roster. He is a former AD Carry in JinAir, last seen in the league on 1st May 2014. Mystic is known to have great mechanics and he seems to be doing so great in ranked games. His mechanics, indeed, have been praised by many professional gamers Korea. His past records in LCK are Caitlyn (3 Wins 6 Losses, 33%), Lucian (3 Wins 5 Loses, 37.5%), Ezreal (3 Wins 5 Losses, 37.5%), Sivir (1 Win 3 Losses, 25%), and Corki (0 Wins Losses, 0%).

Sup – Yuzhe

Yuzhe does not synergize well with Spirit, so he seems to be invisible throughout the game, except for team fights

>Team Style (Before the roster change):

It clearly shows they lack in communication throughout the game. First, in controlling vision, supporter and jungler rarely work together. In other words, Yuzhe only places wards in defensive areas, which easily hands the enemy the vision advantage. Also, the team generally lacks vision controlling abilities, which leads to constant losses in objectives controls. There are times that they buy a bunch of wards to gain vision advantage, but it does not last long. Once they lose in vision controls, they just cannot seem to turn the game around. Even after laning phases, they seem to be scattered around randomly. So, they either get deleted or start team fights in wrong ways. In team fights, they do not go in or out at the right timing. So, they tend to position in wrong ways, which make them easily lose the fights. Dealers tend to focus on different targets, instead of concentrating fire. But, there are times that they miraculously win the fights. On the bright side, WE isn’t so weak in laning phases. In times they win, all laners are well fed to distract focus from the AD Carry. I believe, in order for WE to in the game, it needs to feed top and mid laners.

  1. North America
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LCS NA
Champion Bans Picks Wins Win Rate Pick+Ban Rate
Lissandra 43 15 14 93.33% 96.67%
Jarvan IV 18 35 18 51.43% 88.33%
Kassadin 32 16 9 56.25% 80.00%
Rek’Sai 14 31 14 45.16% 75.00%
Morgana 16 29 19 65.52% 75.00%
Rumble 32 12 7 58.33% 73.33%
Janna 9 33 12 36.36% 70.00%
Sivir 12 28 14 50.00% 66.67%
Annie 21 19 11 57.89% 66.67%
Maokai 10 28 16 57.14% 63.33%
Ahri 14 19 9 47.37% 55.00%
Irelia 19 13 8 61.54% 53.33%
Corki 3 28 13 46.43% 51.67%
Gnar 9 21 5 23.81% 50.00%
LeBlanc 13 17 6 35.29% 50.00%
Kalista 19 10 6 60.00% 48.33%
Zed 12 14 12 85.71% 43.33%
Graves 0 25 13 52.00% 41.67%
Vi 3 21 14 66.67% 40.00%
Nidalee 16 7 5 71.43% 38.33%
Thresh 3 17 6 35.29% 33.33%
Lee Sin 4 14 7 50.00% 30.00%
Xerath 4 10 4 40.00% 23.33%
Azir 5 8 3 37.50% 21.67%
Sion 1 10 4 40.00% 18.33%
Lulu 2 9 3 33.33% 18.33%
Ezreal 0 10 2 20.00% 16.67%
Rengar 2 8 1 12.50% 16.67%
Jinx 0 9 7 77.78% 15.00%
Tristana 1 7 3 42.86% 13.33%
Braum 0 7 4 57.14% 11.67%
Leona 0 7 3 42.86% 11.67%
Fizz 3 4 2 50.00% 11.67%
Cassiopeia 4 3 1 33.33% 11.67%
Veigar 5 2 2 100.00% 11.67%
  • Team Solo Mid

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate%)

Lissandra(43%) | Morgana(36%) | Rumble(36%) | Jarvan IV(21%) | Kassadin(21%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate%) –

Top – Maokai(4/100%) | Rumble(2/50%) | Sion(2/100%) | Lissandra(2/100%) | Irelia(2/50%)

Jungle – Reksai(4/75%) | Jarvan IV(4/75%) | Vi(3/100%) | Nidalee(1/100%) | Lee Sin(1/100%)

Mid – Ahri(4/100%) | LeBlanc(3/33.3%) | Lissandra(2/100%) | Xerath(2/100%) | Zed(2/100%)

AD Carry – Sivir(6/100%) | Jinx(4/75%) | Kalista(1/100%) | Tristana(1/100%) | Corki(1/0%)

Support – Janna(6/83.3%) | Annie(4/75%) | Morgana(3/66.7%) | Thresh(1/ 100%)

>Current Standing:

With Lustboy’s joining of the team in 2014 LCS Summer, TSM has improved a lot in its rotations and macro strategies. There has been small problems in team in organizational features, despite great indivisual mechanics of the laners; however, since 2015 LCS NA Spring, TSM improved previous problems with team communications and organizational capabilities. Accordingly, TSM rose to become the number one team in North America, with 12 Wins and only 3 Losses.


TOP – Dyrus

Great in both laning phases and team fights. In the past, Dyrus used to have problems in making use of his TP and rotations, but he seems to have overcome all of his problems. Now, he has certainly risen to become the best top laner in North America.

Jungle – Santorin

Santorin does not exactly have great success rates in ganking, so his impact in laning phases isn’t so great. But, he seems to know just where he is needed. So, he helps the team greatly in minimizing the losses, and maximizing the gains. In team fights, he tends to greatly contribute to the team by making great initiation, and tanking in the frontline to make favorable situation for dealers to deal damage. Before Santorin’s joining of the team, Lustboy used to be in charge of placing wards alone, but Santorin helps greatly with Lustboy’s vision controls. I believe Santorin does a great job in assisting TSM’s strong laning phases.

Mid – Bjersen [Key Player]

Bjersen is a very powerful midlaner who leads the lane aggressively. Once he starts getting ahead, he likes to snowball from his advantages in the lane. He has a great mechanic and has high accuracy rate of skills. He also tends to calculate his damage so wisely to go in at the right timing. He is truly the key player of the team, who likes to be fed stably and overwhelm the opponent laner. He is also a very talented laner, who can create anomalies in the game; however, against very defensive laners, he tends to go overboard to get the kill

AD – WildTurtle

WildTurtle is an aggressive laner, who has clear weakness and strengths. He tends to position well in team fights to always deal high DPS, and tends not to waste his damage in team fights. However, his aggressiveness leads him to go overboard, in some cases, to be deleted unexpectedly.

Sup – Lustboy

Lustboy knows instantly about the risk factors and always manages to keep allies safe. He is second to none in vision cotrolls. Definitely the center of the team in rotations and macro level strategies.

>Team Style:

Good picks and bans. Every laner has great mechanics, which makes the team so powerful in both laning phases and team fights. Bjersen is the key to win the game. Once Bjersen starts losing in laning phases, the game instantly gets so difficult for TSM. In the past, TSM seemed to have problems in vision controls. Recently, all players have begun to help Lustboy with placing wards; however, TSM still tends to lose in objectives controls, due to vision disadvantages in important timings. Another problem with TSM is that supporter, who has the lowest HP, tends to head the team in front. This kind of plays will immediately place Lustboy in danger if the enemy team, who is good at controlling vision, takes assassin champion. Nevertheless, the team tends to avoid such problems with great individual mechanics and organizational capabilities. Once TSM starts winning in lanes, the enemy team will have little or no chance in turning the game around, no matter how much vision advantage it has.

  • Cloud 9

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate%)

Nidalee(29%) | Ahri(21%) | Annie(21%) | Cassopeia(21%) | Gnar(21%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate%) –

Top – Maokai(6/83.3%) | Rumble(2/100%) | Gnar(2/0%) | Irelia(1/100%) | Lissandra(1/100%)

Jungle – Vi(5/60%) | Reksai(4/50%) | Nidalee(3/100%) | Sejuani(1/100%) | Elise(1/0%)

Mid – Zed(6/83.3%) | LeBlanc(2/50%) | Kassadin(2/50%) | Kennen(1/100%) | Lissandra(1/100%)

AD Carry – Corki(6/66.7%) | Graves(3/100%) | Kalista(2/100%) | Lucian(1/0%) | Sivir(1/0%)

Support – Janna(4/25%) | Braum(3/66.7%) | Morgana(3/100%) | Annie(2/ 100%) | Veigar(1/100%)

>Current Standings:

Cloud 9 won against UOL in IEM Sanjose to secure its spot in IEM WCS. Earlier in the season, Cloud 9 seemed to be unstable in its games, but all its old bounce seems to have be back. At the moment, Cloud 9 is in 3rd place in 2015 LCS NA, with 9 Wins and 5 Losses.


TOP – Balls

Balls seems to be making a lot of sacrifices for the team. He tends to lead the lane stably and defensively. Even in difficult laning phases, he tends to hold out well. He rarely goes overboard, and plays well as a team. In pick&bans, he tends to pick in early phases to make it more favorable for rest of the team. His priorities in pick&bans seem to be Rumble(1st) and Maokai(2nd).

Jungle – Meteos [Key Player]

Hyper Carry. Meteos seems to focus on jungling in early game to have higher success rates in ganking through stable growth. He tends to be very powerful in jungle fights through fast levelling. He seems to be good in early vision controls by designing his jungling routes extensively. Once Meteos starts falling behind the opponent jungler, the game immediately becomes so difficult for Cloud 9.

Mid – Hai

Hai has a great understanding in AD champions like Zed and Yasuo. He is great in team fights, but he tends to have a lot of ups and downs in laning phases. Accordingly, he tends to focus on farming CS in laning phases. If Hai starts to trade damage offensively, it means Meteos is around. He doesn’t seem to be so threatening with champions other than Zed. So, once you take away Zed from Hai, you seem to be good to go.

AD Carry – Sneaky [Key Player]

Very consistent player, who always display good performance. Meteos is in charge of laning phases and Sneaky is in charge of team fights. You can always rely on Sneaky.

Support – LemoNation

He tends to be very clever, so you need to watch out. He makes great use of his skills. In favorable situations, he tends to assist the team greatly in rolling snowballs. But, in unfavorable situations, he is unable to make anomalies to turn the game around.

>Team Style:

Cloud 9 isn’t so strong in laning phases, but thye tend to gain a lot from rotations. All players contribute to vision controls, which leads to great objectives controls as well. They all know what they have to do, so they do not wander off pointlessly. They have great understanding in team games, and they seem to have great communications. In rotations, they know what they need to take and what they need to give up. They tend to gain a lot from vision advantage. Meteos is the key player of the team. Their losing scenaries are: First, all laners are losing in their lanes so Meteos has nowhere to gank. Second, counter-jungled. Third, Jungling routes gone wrong due to slow counterganks, slow back-ups and etc. Cloud 9 tends to be great with split-pushing strategies. They like to gain from another side, while Zed split-pushes a lane. Cloud 9 tends to be vulnerable in situation where the enemy groups up instantly in the midlane. In this situation, Cloud 9 tends to lose its mid turret so easily. It seems good for the enemy team to ban Rumble/Maokai/Zed or Reksai/Vi/Nidalee. Meteos seems to contribute largely to the team in laning phases, and Sneaky seems to have great impact in team fights Taking strong initiating champions seems to be the way to counter Cloud 9’s split-pushing strategies.

  1. Europe
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LCS EU
Champion Bans Picks Wins Win Rate Pick+Ban Rate
Kassadin 39 16 12 75.00% 91.67%
Rek’Sai 23 27 12 44.44% 83.33%
Jarvan IV 13 36 18 50.00% 81.67%
Gnar 19 27 18 66.67% 76.67%
Zed 31 13 9 69.23% 73.33%
Lissandra 22 20 9 45.00% 70.00%
Ahri 12 29 15 51.72% 68.33%
Graves 6 34 18 52.94% 66.67%
LeBlanc 19 17 5 29.41% 60.00%
Annie 7 27 14 51.85% 56.67%
Thresh 9 21 9 42.86% 50.00%
Nidalee 18 11 9 81.82% 48.33%
Cassiopeia 20 8 6 75.00% 46.67%
Sivir 8 20 12 60.00% 46.67%
Lee Sin 10 17 5 29.41% 45.00%
Irelia 15 11 4 36.36% 43.33%
Corki 1 25 9 36.00% 43.33%
Azir 20 5 3 60.00% 41.67%
Leona 3 22 10 45.45% 41.67%
Rengar 10 12 7 58.33% 36.67%
Morgana 3 18 12 66.67% 35.00%
Janna 5 15 5 33.33% 33.33%
Kalista 8 11 8 72.73% 31.67%
Lulu 2 17 9 52.94% 31.67%
Xerath 6 12 5 41.67% 30.00%
Maokai 2 15 7 46.67% 28.33%
Rumble 2 12 5 41.67% 23.33%
Jax 10 3 2 66.67% 21.67%
Kennen 1 10 4 40.00% 18.33%
Caitlyn 1 7 3 42.86% 13.33%
Draven 3 4 3 75.00% 11.67%
Lucian 0 7 4 57.14% 11.67%
Ezreal 0 7 2 28.57% 11.67%
  • SK Gaming

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate%)

Irelia(50%) | Kassadin(29%) | Lissandra(29%) | Reksai(29%) | Zed(29%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate%)

Top – Gnar(4/100%) | Lissandra(4/75%) | Azir(2/100%) | Kennen(2/50%) | Morgana(1/100%)

Jungle – Jarvan(5/80%) | Reksai(4/50%) | Rengar(3/100%) | Nidalee(2/100%)

Mid – LeBlanc(3/66.7%) | Zed(3/100%) | Ahri(3/66.7%) | Kassadin(2/100%) | Orianna(1/100%)

AD Carry – Graves(8/87.5%) | Lucian(5/80%) | Caitlyn (1/0%)

Support – Lulu(7/85.7%) | Annie(3/66.7%) | Nami(1/100%) | Janna(1/100%) | Blitzcrank(1/100%)

>Current Standings:

Earlier this seaon, SK Gaming seemed to be in a great mood in 2015 LCS EU Spring. But, since their consecutive losses in Week 5~Week 6, SK lost its crown to Fnatic, and was only able to take it back in Week 7. In their losing streaks, SK exposed their weakness in vision controls. Moreover, SK seem to be weak, once their split-pushing strategies are checked. But, their current standings in LCS EU surely prove themselves to be the strongest team in Europe.


TOP – Fredy122

Experienced, well-blanced player who is great in both laning phases and rotations. Definitely one of the best top laners in Europe. In the past, he used to have problems utilizing his TP at the right timing, but he seems to have overcome his problems now. Usually, Fredy is in charge of split-pushing. Occassionally, he gets deleted from the scene while trying to split-push without having the vision.

Junlge – Svenskeren [Key Player]

Svenskeren knows how to control objectives and roll snowballs. He has an aggressive play style. He likes to overwhelm the opponent jungler by designing smart jungling routes in early games and counter-jungling. Svenskeren has a great ganking abilities. But, once he starts having problem with jungling, he seems unable to counter-gank.

Mid – Fox

In the past, Fox wasn’t so powerful in laning phases. But, nowadays, Fox has improved to become a powerful laner, who can overwhelm the opponent laner. He is especially great in targeting for kill chances in laning phases. His Zed is occasionally banne, due to his great performances with Zed in split-pushing strategies. He positions himself well for team fights to deal great damage to the enemies

AD Carry – Forg1ven [Key Player]

Very aggressive, powerful AD Carry. He makes a great snap judgment and he calculates damage so well in lanining phases. Accordingly, he tends to out-perform the enemies, even when he gets hit by enemies’ CCs. He performs so greatly with Graves, so Graves is often banned out. He does not seem to have a wide champion pools, since he has only performed with 3 champions in this season. It is very interesting that despite his aggressive play style, he can also perform stably in team fights.

Support – nRated

nRated assits Forg1ven in laning phases to out-perform the opponent laners. He is always with his teammaters to assist with vision controls. He is at the center of the team in rotations, always busy controlling vision. He synergizes greatly with Svenskeren to win objectives controls so easily. He tends to have a narrow champion pools, but it is not so wise to ban out nRated because that would uncheck all the other laners.

>Team Style:

All players have great mechanics. Usually, SK takes champions that are powerful in lanes to snow ball from laning advantages. In the past, SK had the best rotations among European teams with not so great team fighting abilities. But, with Forg1ven and Fox on board, SK Gaming’s team fighting abilities has improved a lot. SK Gaming has been consistently blamed for placing only a limited number of wards. Nevertheless, they tend to win the game by snowballing from laning advantage, despite vision disadvantage. Recently, Sk gaming seems to be making an effort to place more wards throughout the game. They are equipped with great mechanics, great team work, and great shot calls to take objectives so wisely. The most balanced team in Europe.

  • Gambit Gaming

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate%)

Gnar(36%) | Lissandra(29%) | Ahri(21%) | LeBlanc(21%) | Sivir(21%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate%) 

Top – Kennen(4/75%) | Morgana(3/100%) | Irelia(2/50%) | Renekton(1/100%) | Jax(1/0%)

Jungle – Jarvan IV(4/25%) | Reksai(3/66.7%) | Sejuani(2/100%) | Nidalee(2/100%) | Vi(1/100%)

Mid – Zed(2/100%) | Ahri(1/100%) | Lulu(1/0%) | Ezreal(1/100%) | Lissandra(1/100%)

AD Carry – Kalista(4/100%) | Graves(4/50%) | Tristana(3/66.7%) | Corki(2/0%) | Lucian(1/0%)

Support – Thresh(5/60%) | Morgana(3/100%) | Janna(2/50%) | Annie(2/50%) | Leon(1/0%)

>Current Standings:

Gambit Gaming won against CLG in 2014 IEM cologne to secure its spot in IEM WCS. Earlier this season, Gambit did not perform so well in LCS EU. But, Gambit has been improving ever since their match against H2k. Gambit has improved a lot in its organizational capabilities and vision controls. Now, Gambit climbed up the ladder so quickly to come in 4th place in LCS EU. I expect Gambit to perform well in IEM WCS.


TOP – Cabochard [Key Player]

Cabochard has a wide champion pools, which ranges from AP champions like Cassiopeia and Morgana to frontline tankers like Renekton. He equipped with powerful laning capabilities and great snap judgments. He is definitely the key player in Gambit Gaming, and one of the best top laners in Europe.

Jungle – Diamondprox [Key Player]

Very smart jungler. He still stands valid as the “King of Counter-jungling.” As an experienced jungler, he knows how to deal with various problems in the game. Recently, he has hyper-carried the team many times, so the enemies have tried to ban him out. He does not really create anomalies to turn the game around in unfavorable situations, but he always performs his role well enough.

Mid – betsy

Betsy has a great understanding in assassin champions. He does seem to fall behind in farming CS, but he is a very stable laner who can creat anomalies in the game. Besides Ahri and Zed, Betsy has yet to prove himself in the league. But, I see a great potential in Betsy.

AD – P1noy

Very aggressive AD Carry. He deals damage so well, but his aggressiveness also puts the team in great danger in some cases. Occasionally, he gets deleted by dashing in to catch enemies with low HP. You can easily see him joining the frontline to deal damage. If the team initiates well, P1noy can dominate the scene by capitalizing on his great mechanics and aggressiveness. Otherwise, he gets deleted after hit by a couple of CCs. He tends to show bold movements, by pouring in all of his skills before he escapes, even after he becomes targeted by the opponent tanker.

Sup – Edward

He is not exactly the hyper-carry support he used to be. His weakness in vision controls was the major reason for team’s losing streaks earlier this season. But, he makes great judgment throughout the game, and he has a high accuracy rate of skills, when playing Annie/Morgana/Tresh.

>Team Style:

Everything seemed to have gone earlier in this season. They always fell behind in vision controls and objectives controls. With vision disadvantage, one or two champions always got deleted before team fights. They initiated team fights, even in unfavorable situations and they all seemed to just wander off without having clear purpose. They never engaged in good team fights, since they all focused on wrong targets. Since the mid-seson, however, they began to capitalize so well on Greater Stealth Totem and have stated to win vision controls. With their good laning capabilities and vision advantages, they began to nail team fights. They are now on winning streaks by coming up with composition that suits the team very well. They tend to utilize poking compositions based on Nidalee and team fight composition based on Kennen and Sejuani. With Nidalee consistantly banned out, Gambit tends to rely on team fight composition. Gambit’s early losing streaks were largely due to their unfavorable team fights in which one or two players get deleted before the fight. The team fight compositon that Gambit capitalizes on nowadays seems to compensate for their lacking team fighting capabilities in the past.

  1. Taiwan/ Hong Kong/ Macao
  • Pick& Ban Statistics in LMS
Champion Bans Ban Rate Picks Pick Rate Bans+Picks Picks+Bans Rate
 Jarvan IV 19 31.67% 37 61.67% 56 93.33%
 Kassadin 38 63.33% 13 21.67% 51 85.00%
 Rek’Sai 19 31.67% 29 48.33% 48 80.00%
 Janna 11 18.33% 31 51.67% 42 70.00%
 Lissandra 13 21.67% 29 48.33% 42 70.00%
 Gnar 13 21.67% 27 45.00% 40 66.67%
 Sivir 9 15.00% 31 51.67% 40 66.67%
 LeBlanc 18 30.00% 22 36.67% 40 66.67%
 Irelia 25 41.67% 12 20.00% 37 61.67%
 Azir 26 43.33% 8 13.33% 34 56.67%
 Thresh 10 16.67% 23 38.33% 33 55.00%
 Zed 25 41.67% 8 13.33% 33 55.00%
 Morgana 14 23.33% 15 25.00% 29 48.33%
 Annie 7 11.67% 20 33.33% 27 45.00%
 Corki 1 1.67% 24 40.00% 25 41.67%
 Fizz 17 28.33% 8 13.33% 25 41.67%
 Lee Sin 4 6.67% 19 31.67% 23 38.33%
 Kalista 5 8.33% 15 25.00% 20 33.33%
 Maokai 1 1.67% 18 30.00% 19 31.67%
 Syndra 13 21.67% 6 10.00% 19 31.67%
 Rengar 4 6.67% 14 23.33% 18 30.00%
 Rumble 8 13.33% 10 16.67% 18 30.00%
 Xerath 8 13.33% 10 16.67% 18 30.00%
 Ahri 2 3.33% 15 25.00% 17 28.33%
 Ezreal 2 3.33% 15 25.00% 17 28.33%
 Lulu 3 5.00% 14 23.33% 17 28.33%
 Leona 1 1.67% 14 23.33% 15 25.00%
 Nidalee 8 13.33% 4 6.67% 12 20.00%
 Vi 7 11.67% 5 8.33% 12 20.00%
  • Yoe Flash Wolves

>Top5 Bans(Ban Rate%)

Kassadin(43%) | Jarvan(29%) | Sivir(29%) | Lissandra(21%) | Azir(14%)

>Top5 Picks per Line(# Picked/Win Rate%)

Top – Irelia(5/100%) | Gnar(4/100%) | Maokai(2/100%) | Rumble(1/100%) | Sion(1/100%)

Jungle – Jarvan(6/100%) | Rengar(3/100%) | Reksai(2/100%) | Khazix(1/100%) | Nidalee(1/100%)

Mid – Ahri(4/100%) | LeBlanc(3/100%) | Aizr(2/100%) | Fizz(2/50%) | Syndra(1/100%)

AD Carry – Corki(3/100%) | Tristana(3/100%) | Ezreal(2/100%) | Caitlyn(2/100%) | Kalista (1/100%)

Support – Morgana(5/100%) | Janna(4/100%) | Nami(2/100%) | Thresh(1/100%) | Veigar(1/100%)

>Current Standings:

YFW won against TPA in 2015 IEM Taiwan to secure their spot in IEM WCS. In LMS, they seem to be unbeatable with 15 Wins and only one loss to TPA. They are currently the number one team in LMS.



Steak is great with Gnar and Irelia. His Gnar and Irelia are worth to be banned. In laning phases, he tends to fall behind in faming CS. However, he contributes to the team largely by capitalizing on his great tanking abilities in team fights, and making great judgments in when and where to land on TP.

Jungle – Karsa

A well-balanced jungler who can both play defensively and aggressively. But, he seems to prefer defensive players like babysitting and counter-ganking over offensive plays like ganking and counter jungling. He is great in controlling objectives and vision.

Mid – Maple [Key Player]

Together with NL, Maple is the key player in YFW. He is powerful in laning phases, so many of his champions including Azir and Zed are often banned out. But, it is impossible to ban all of his champions because he has a wide champion pools. He also helps the team greatly in vision controls

AD – NL [Key Player]

NL is in charge of dealing tons of damage to the enemies. He likes dash champions, with which he can dash in to gain from aggressive plays. His aggressiveness to always deal maximum DPS in fights puts himself in dangerous positions occasionally. His aggressiveness can put the team in great danger, but at the moment, he is performing so well as a hyper carry.

Sup – SwordArt

He’s great with Morgana. His “Q” accuracy is so high that he can even initiate team fights by landing on his “Q.” He protects his AD Carry so well, so NL owes a million lives to SwordArt. He synergizes well with Karsa and they work together to gain vision advantage.

>Team Style:

Key players are AD Carry and Midlaner. The synergies between jungler and supporter is also so great and they tend to roll snowballs from vision and objectives advantages. All laners actively place wards throughout the game to take vision advantage from early games. Once the laning phase ends, they tend to buy more vision wards to block out enemies’ visions. With vision advantage, they can easily take objectives like dragon. Moreover, they tend to gain a lot from team fights. Their successful team fights ascribes to great positioning in team fights and NL’s great focusing in team fights. NL focuses his damage so well in team fights that he occassionaly deletes frontline tankers as well. They tend to be weak in cases of losing in dragon fights, picking compositon without fronline tanker and unfed frontline tanker which makes it easier for enemies to target its dealers.

Sources of statistics are: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2xpr0f/ogn_picks_bans_after_week_7/


and esportspedia.

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  1. Eric Teixeira

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    Thank You!


  2. jay

    해외 살다 왔어요? 영어 되게 잘하시네. reddit 보고 왔는데 의외로 영어 디게 잘해서 깜놀


    • jay

      글 잘 봤어요. 선수때 팬이였는데 은퇴하고도 열심히 활동하는 모습 보기 좋네요


    • 제가 쓰는게 아니고 번역해주는 친구가 붙어있어요 ㅜㅜㅋ


  3. Think Forg1ven is the best adc in this tournament.


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